Austrian Perl Workshop 2005

Austrian Perl Workshop 2005

The Austrian Perl Workshop 2005 took place in the premises of Kapsch CarrierCom on 9th and 10th of June and was organised by

The workshop offers Perl users of all experiences (from newbie to pumpking):

The main theme is 'using Perl' - where and in which applications is Perl used?
There will be a track of short talks where everybody is invited to present what s/he is using Perl for.

Blogs, Photos, Video, etc

Please announce blog entries, images etc on #yapc (, on the mailinglist or send them to domm AT

I'll provide videos later

"Star guests" made it possible to invite Autrijus and Chip.


There will be a PUGS / Parrot Hack-a-thon with (among others) Leo Tötsch (Parrot Pumpking), Chip Salzenberg (Parrot Designer) and Autrijus Tang (PUGS).


Talks in german or english should be between 5 and 60 minutes long. The should cover either the theme or any other relevant topic (eg your own or other interesting CPAN modules, testing, develeopment tips, ..)

To submit a talk, you have to first login (and register prior to that..). Aferwards click on Submit a talk proposal in the left navbar.

Talk submission deadline is 8th May. You will be informed until 13th May if your talk(s) have been accepted.


We have room for 70 people (including speakers). So register soon (via 'login' or 'New user').


There are three different types of attendees:

All attendees get coffee breaks and two lunches (thanks to Kapsch CarrierCom!).

Business-Attendees and Speakers (except Lightning-Talk-only Speakers) additionally get a Workshop-T-Shirt and can attend the Speakers Dinner.

The discount is available for students and unemployed.

There might be more goodies...


If you have any questions, ask them either on the mailinglist or send them directly to the organiser: Thomas Klausner, domm AT

Press Release

Press Release (german, Word Document)