That's all folks!

16/06/10 23:28 by Laurent Boivin (‎Elbeho‎)

The 7th French Perl Workshop was help last week-end in Calais, at Université du Littoral Côté d'Opale.

We want to thank all the people involved in this event: our sponsors (Université du Littoral Côté d'Opale, Dot and Co, Linkfluence, O'Reilly, ENI, B.V., GNU Linux Magazine France), the speakers and all the participants.

We hope you enjoy the week-end despite the few... bugs in the organization.

See you in Bruxelles on June 26th for the Belgian Perl Workshop and next year somewhere in France for the 8th French Perl Workshop.

We thank our sponsors

08/06/10 23:38 by Laurent Boivin (‎Elbeho‎)

The team wants to thank our sponsors of the FPW2010 for supporting the event:

Friday's dinner

08/06/10 09:19 by Laurent Boivin (‎Elbeho‎)

As every year there is dinner planned on Friday evening.

We will be at Le Calice from 20h.

The address is 55 bvd Jacquart, South from the railway station Calias-Ville.

Go to the wiki and register so we can make a reservation at the restaurant.

Schedule is available!

03/06/10 01:01 by Laurent Boivin (‎Elbeho‎)

At last, the schedule for the talks is available. Sorry for the delay.

As we are waiting some confirmations from some speakers, this schedule may still evolve a little bit.

See you on Friday, June 11th, at 9:30 at ULCO!

FPW2010 : free entrance!

11/04/10 17:04 by Laurent Boivin (‎Elbeho‎)

Thanks to our host the Université du Littoral Côté d'Opale, there is no fee to attend the French Perl Workshop 2010.

See you in Calais on 11th and 12th of June in Calais (France).

French Perl Workshop 2010: call for... everything

05/04/10 18:25 by Laurent Boivin (‎Elbeho‎)

The 7th French Perl Workshop will be held on Friday 11 and Satursday 12 of June at Université du Littoral Côté d'Opale, in Calais.
From beginners to experts, many Perl users will meet to share experience, improve knowledge and have fun!

We would like to gather a wide audience with talks for beginner as well as for professional Perl users (or about to be).

Call for papers

To make this event a success we need talks and speakers.
Although French is the preferred language, we accept talks in English too.

Some subjects we would like to have (a kind of wish list): “success stories” of Perl in production, tutorials for beginners or programmers of other languages...
This list is open. Feel free to sumbit any kind of subject on Perl.

Talks can last 20, 40 or 80 minutes. We will have lightning talks: 5 minutes max for each talk.

Call for sponsors

Sponsors are a key to a successful event.
Sponsor contributions make it possible to improve the welcoming process of attendees, by providing breaks, etc.
We will publish your logo on the web site of the conference, we will present you (or let you introduce yourself) at the opening of the conference, and we will thank you at the end.

Share the info!

French Perl Workshop needs speakers, sponsors, and of course audience.
Please share the info with your colleagues, friends, communication or HR department...

We hope to see you mid-June in Calais!

The French Perl Mongers