| French Perl Workshop 2020

French Perl Workshop 2020

JOctober 31st, 2020 in Paris

French Perl Workshop 2020

October 31st, 2020 in Paris

French Perl Workshop 2020

October 31st, 2020 in Paris

Code of Conduct

Be excellent to each other. If anything is less than excellent, talk to the organisers.

We want to have a great time, so we expect you'll behave nicely. No need to insist on that.

Don't let anyone piss you off, don't let anyone being pissed off.


Code of Conduct

Be excellent to each other. If anything is less than excellent, talk to the organisers.

We want to have a great time, so we expect you'll behave nicely. No need to insist on that.

Don't let anyone piss you off, don't let anyone being pissed off.