Perl as a testing tool for CLIs

Perl as a testing tool for CLIs

By Thomas Maier (‎hayzer‎) from
Date: Thursday, 24 July 2003 15:10
Duration: 20 minutes

Command Line Interface tests are very time eating and boring regression test that suppose
to be done each new version. Purpose of this test is to verify that
output of each command is correct and does not include any new
syntax or other error. It uses and memorize real
user input so as to be able to replay it in addtion to pre-written
regression tests.

Presentation is build as follow.
-why we need automatic test.
I'll shortly describe differences between progression
and regression tests and why regression test should be more ..
-general introduction to CLI Automatic Test idea
this test includes 4 basic steps: module for connectivity with
the device under test, configuration file with test scenario,
templates for comparing with test results and regression test script.
-connectivity module
it's based on Expect, with short example I'll explain the
idea of this module
-configuration file
simple way to build test scenario with Config::Simple
-regression test
how to put all elements together and run the test
with Test::Differences.
I give this presentation already on our Perl Mongers meeting
and YAPC::Israel a month ago. Perl is great software testing tool,

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